
Brands Redesign

Design Team
Aug 13, 2024

Our design team at Clique participated in our creative monthly activity focused on rebranding a company of choice. The project prompted participants to reimagine various aspects of a selected brand, including its logo, color palette, iconography, and more! This monthly activity allowed our team members to showcase their creativity and design skills while exploring potential improvements for well-known brands.

The Prompt

For this particular project, each member of the Clique design team selected a company, or came up with a company,  and worked on rebranding it within a 45-minute timeframe. We chose a variety of companies across different industries, or came up with a company, while challenging ourselves to create fresh and unique visual identities while staying true to the core values and messages of the original brands.

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Throughout this activity, our design team demonstrated their creativity, adaptability, and understanding of branding principles. The project also promoted collaboration and idea-sharing among our team members, contributing to the overall growth and success of Clique as a design firm.