
Watercooler Collection 01

Keymoni Sakil-Slack
Jun 24, 2024

For this project, I developed a series of design-focused activities aimed at fostering a stronger sense of community and teamwork among remote designers at Clique! By creating visually engaging and interactive templates using Figma, I challenged the other designers, and mostly myself, to explore our creativity while participating in fun, lighthearted conversations such as our daily watercoolers! I created three different activities using Figma, which helped me design these cool visual templates! These activities included: "Make A Sandwich," "Make Your Favorite Ice Cream Combo," and "Make a Vision Board." Each activity allowed the Clique design team to show off their design skills and express their creativity while answering random fun questions!

Expanding My Goals

Along with fostering a fun and interactive remote work environment for my fellow designers, another important aspect of my lab project was sharing these creative activities with a larger audience. I wanted to allow others in the design community to benefit from these engaging watercooler activities as well!

To achieve this goal, I decided to make the Figma templates, I created, publicly available on the Figma community page. By sharing these templates, designers, or anyone for that matter, can access and use the files to promote teamwork and connection within their own remote teams, or even in their own personal time!

Try Out the Templates Here:

Make A Sandwich, Make Your Favorite Ice Cream Combo, and Make a Vision Board!

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Moving forward, I plan to continue designing new and exciting watercooler activities to keep the team engaged and connected! Through this project, I learned that fostering a sense of community and creativity can make remote work feel more connected and enjoyable! 🍦 🥪 👁️